3 Days in Brief
- Lowest 10°C (Oct. 11)
- Precipitation 2.05mm
- Highest 13°C (Oct. 09)
- Humidity 56% Average
- Highest chance of rain 100% (Oct. 11)
- Sunshine hours11 hours Average
Weather Forecast for Brest For The Next 3 Days
Wednesday - October 09
Few Clouds
It feels like 23°
- Day/Night: 21°/17°
- Morning/Afternoon: 13°/18°
- Rainfall: 0
- Min/Max 13°/23°
- Humidity 46%
- Wind 6.26 km/h
- Pressure 1,004 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset 11:39 AM/22:44 PM
- Visibility 10 km
- Day/Night 21°/17
- Morning/Afternoon 13°/18
- Rainfall 0
Rainfall in Brest in Wednesday - October 09
Temperature in Brest in Wednesday - October 09
Thursday - October 10
Few Clouds
It feels like 21°
- Day/Night: 21°/17°
- Morning/Afternoon: 14°/18°
- Rainfall: 0
- Min/Max 14°/21°
- Humidity 53%
- Wind 7.91 km/h
- Pressure 1,000 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset 11:41 AM/22:42 PM
- Visibility 10 km
- Day/Night 21°/17
- Morning/Afternoon 14°/18
- Rainfall 0
Rainfall in Brest in Thursday - October 10
Temperature in Brest in Thursday - October 10
Friday - October 11
Moderate Rain
It feels like 17°
- Day/Night: 14°/10°
- Morning/Afternoon: 14°/11°
- Rainfall: 2.05
- Min/Max 10°/17°
- Humidity 69%
- Wind 5.56 km/h
- Pressure 1,010 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset 11:43 AM/22:39 PM
- Visibility 10 km
- Day/Night 14°/10
- Morning/Afternoon 14°/11
- Rainfall 2.05
Rainfall in Brest in Friday - October 11
Temperature in Brest in Friday - October 11
3-Day Temperature and Rainfall Posibility
3-Day Rainfall Forecast for Brest
Brest's weather
- Bogdanovka
- Bostyn'
- Davidgorodok
- Divin
- Dyatlovichi
- Kobrin
- Lahishyn
- Mikashevichi
- Ovzichi
- Pleshchitsy
- Plotnitsa
- Polonka
- Radezh
- Rechitsa
- Rubel'
- Sheni
- Sinkevicy
- Soshno
- Sporovo
- Stepanki
- Struga
- Syalyets
- Svyataya Volya
- Rodzyalovichi
- Kozhangorodok
- Rukhcha Pervaya
- Tsyelyakhany
- Serebrishche
- Semigostichi
- Kartuzbereza
- Haradzishcha
- Deniskovichi
- Sanatoriy Berest'e
- Sudilovichi
- Simonovichi
- Rovbitskaya
- Potapovichi
- Mal'kovichi
- Lyakhoviche
- Baranavichy
- Stolovichi
- Sinkevichi
- Rokitnitsa
- Shereshevo
- Polonechka
- Petrovichi
- Tvacevicy
- Sulichevo
- Priborovo
- Porech'ye
- Ozernitsa
- Luninyets
- Drogichin
- Belogusha
- Zhabinka
- Vysokaye
- Vysokoye
- Stradech'
- Stakhovo
- Sokolovo
- Slabodka
- Shchitno
- Rechytsa
- Pruzhany
- Malorita
- Kamenets
- Hatynicy
- Antopol'
- Beloozersk
- Brest
- Byaroza
- Gorodno
- Hantsavichy
- Ivanovo
- Kossovo
- Lakhva
- Motol'
- Snitovo
- Ozyaty
- Pinsk
- Savichi
- Skortsy
- Podles'ye
- Ruzhany
- Polonsk
- Rudniki
- Rechki
- Roviny
- Rubryn'
- Rudnya
- Rudsk
- Selets
- Signevichi
- Somino
- Stavok
- Stavy
- Stolin
- Sychi
- Tartak
Frequently asked questions
1.How humid will it be in Brest over the next 3 days?
Humidity levels will average around 56% over the next 3 days.
2.Is there a chance of rain in Brest during the next 3 days?
There's a 20% chance of rain on 11 October, decreasing to 0% on 09 October and 10 October.
3.What are the expected high and low temperatures in Brest for the next 3 days?
Over the next 3 days, expect highs of around 23°C (73.4°F) and lows of approximately 10°C (50.0°F).
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Brest s' weather
Overcast Clouds
It feels like 14°
- Sunrise/Sunset 11:41 AM / 22:42 PM
- Min/Max 14°/14°
- Humidity 90%
- Pressure 1001 hPa
- Visibility 10 km
- Wind 37.76 km/h
Air quality
Acceptable air quality, some pollutants present, minor health concerns for sensitive individuals
- CO 230.31
- NH3 1.54
- NO 0
- NO2 4.03
- O3 70.81
- PM10 7.25
- PM25 6.5
- SO2 2.24
Sunrise / Sunset
11:41 AM
22:42 PM